Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Excellent sales this weekend!

Happy to say that both of these paintings sold this weekend!
I AM working on two new ones at the moment..but its slow going.

I am working on creating a working "creative cluster" based on the workbook by Julia Cameron called, "The Artist's Way" - this is a 12 week intensive spiritual and creative recovery course that takes you through the steps back into living a more creative and focused life.
It is a program that has been used successfully for over 15 years all over the world and I came upon it many months ago with a hope and wish that I could possibly facilitate it some time in the future.
Now, because of the establishment of "Sacred Elements" I can do just that!
SO, I will be presenting this course in June - it is suitable for just about anyone - but of course, if you are an artist and are procrastinating with your artwork or suffer from blocks in creativity, then this course is perfect for you!
I am very excited about it, but, as with everything that must be well presented,  it is taking up some of my painting time right now in formulating the right way to do it all to achieve optimum results.
If you know anyone who might benefit from this course, please contact me for more details!

1 comment:

  1. oooh congratulations on the sales, that is terrific! *hugs* That course sounds really good, I think I need to do something like that, I usually float around in foggy land painting willy nilly lol
